Kamar Set Italy 058
Kategori : Kamar Set italy
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Berat : Kg
Dilihat : 447
Harga : Rp (hubungi cs)
Detail Produk Kamar Set Italy 058
Kamar Set Italy 058 dipan no.1 dan 2 nakas berbahan dasar kayu jati solid dengan finishing melamin dan ukiran khas jepara cantik menawan elegan dengan gaya khas eropa hadir dengan ruang tidur anda nyaman digunakan untuk istirahat anda Price Rp.13.500.00.
in english
Set Italy bunk room 058 no.1 and 2 bedside tables made ??from solid teak wood with melamine finish and gorgeous Jepara carving distinctive elegance with a distinctive European style comes to your sleeping space comfortable for your breaks Price Rp.13.500.00