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Kamar Set Italy 091

Kategori : Kamar Set italy
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Berat : Kg
Dilihat : 485
Harga : Rp (hubungi cs)

Kamar Set Italy 091 terdiri dari dipan no.1, nakas pcs , tolet 1pcs, almari 2 pintu, berbahan dasar kayu jati solid dengan finishing melamin cat duko dan ukiran khas jepara, mewah elegan karna bergaya khas eropa, warna sangat menarik dan cantik bagi anda yang suka suasana feminim hadir diruang tidur anda, nyaman digunakan dan cocok untuk mengisi kamar tidur anda, dikerjakan oleh pengrajin mebel dan ukir jepara yang ahli dan profesional dibidangnya,

in english

Set Italy 091 rooms consisting of bunk no.1, bedside table pcs, tolet 1pcs, cupboard 2 doors, made ??from solid teak wood with a melamine paint finishing and carving typical duko Jepara, elegant luxury because the typical European style, the color is very attractive and beautiful for you who likes feminine atmosphere is present in the room you sleep, comfortable to use and suitable to fill your bedroom, is done by craftsmen carved furniture and Jepara and professionals who are experts in their fields,

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0 0,00 Kg Rp 0,00
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